RIGHT TURN ONLY is a vortex of decentered directions, where condensed traffic arrows spiral inward and twirl upward toward the sky. Drawing inspiration from the roundabout’s cyclical motion and preexisting signage, the installation playfully nods to the street signs surrounding the roundabout, serving as an extension of the city’s topographical roadways.
Inspired by Fort Worth's rich aeronautical history, once the site of the country’s most extensive aircraft manufacturing program, RIGHT TURN ONLY mimics the circular air patterns created by wingtip vortices often shed from the wings of ascending planes. The spiral shape, which delicately touches the ground, symbolizes growth, rebirth, and ascension. As the viewer’s perspective shifts, the sculpture transforms—becoming a gust of wind, a nest, and then the interior of a shell.
Constructed from hundreds of brightly painted traffic arrows, RIGHT TURN ONLY’s steel and aluminum structure gracefully meets the surface of the Las Vegas Trail roundabout. The sculpture extends 20 feet into the air, acting as a bold and whimsical landmark for this reemerging community.